Predator and Prey

so cute, the common garden skink
its body lithe and long, short limbs
strong with tiny claws, its jerky
starts and stops, the way it plays
dead in human presence — so still

they are the garden’s friend, await
the cockroach, grubs, earwig, slugs
in hiding ready, ambush prey
and quickly strike, teeth tearing soft
yielding flesh, reptilian jaws slay

skinks too are prey for birds and cats
stay close to rocks or hollow logs
if grasped will sacrifice their ends
a thrilling, twitching, mindless tail
attracts attention while they escape

even humans, with all our genius
for self-protection are prey
to sharks, felines and our own kind
predators too, though unpleasant kills
are hidden, outsourced, distantly done

but what of the plants and fungi
are they not ruthless predators too?
the slow murder as they strangle
their competitors, depriving them
of resources — all life struggles on

Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra, Australia’s capital city. His haiku have been published in various Australian and international journals, including Frogpond, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest. His longer poetry appears or is forthcoming in Penumbra Literary and Art Journal, Mortal Magazine, Red Ogre Review, Reed Magazine, Meniscus and Quadrant.