As I meet the blue bonnets

He never said the word inadequate.
He never said much afterward either.
His silence, coupled with my isolation
left me
not alone,
not behind,
just left.
I desired a restart
freshly originating,
freshly nurtured,
just freshly anything.
A chance, my chance to relive
what was worth reliving.
Then, to make amends
for the remainder of our time.
the remainder of our time
was nearly equal to all of our time.
How could I pay the penance?
Or rather, why haven’t I paid the penance,
when all sins
are my sins?
His calculations proved the debt
entirely of my own.
So I paid the debt,
casting aside my moral compass,
casting off my fears,
casting myself over the ledge.
He would learn
what I have come to know.
I am a knife in
his side,
his style,
and his life.
as I meet the blue bonnets
I enter as that knife piercing the flesh of the Earth
from whence they will find little life remaining,
and no more the knife (that) pierced his flesh
because I gave mine.

Andy Betz has tutored and taught in excess of 40 years. He lives in 1974, and has been married for 29 years. His works are found everywhere a search engine operates.